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Set de recogida de virus con 3ml MTV-N (con inhibidor) y 2 hisopos flocados (3,2 y 5mm)
50 sets por caja

Referencia: 2118-1507-99
Content: Caja (50 u.)
Selling unit: Kit

105,00 € 105.0 EUR 105,00 € Impuestos no incluidos

105,00 € Impuestos no incluidos

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Shipping: 2-3 Business Days

Product description

This virus transport medium (VTM) is a container for collecting, transporting and long-term storage of viruses. It is designed to maintain optimal sample viability. The VTM-Nand consists of Tris-HCl buffers, EDTA and guanidine salt.

The presence of guanidine salts acts as the protein deformers and nuclease inhibitors which makes the virus inactive, but does not affect the integrity of the viral nucleic acid. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and Normal saline solution (NSS) can be also used to collect and transport samples for molecular RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 assays tests.

A major advantage of this VTM is that the tubes can be stored at room temperature (5-25 °C).

The tube has a size of Φ16x87 cm, can stand on its own and is equipped with a screw cap. The 10 ml tube contains 3 ml of VTM-N. One of flocked swabs is Φ3.2mm (head) and Φ2.5x152 mm long. The other one is 5 mm (head) and Φ2.2x150mm.

The kit consists of 50 tubes ,50 * 2 swabs and 50 specimen BioHazard sachets.